AFI participates in the workshop “Impact Measurement and Impact Management” of the Federal Initiative Impact Investing

What will the new year 2021 bring for sustainability? Definitely new regulations, legal acts and further initiatives from the EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan! In addition to the EU taxonomy, the EU regulation on sustainability-related disclosure requirements in the financial services sector, which will apply from March 2021, plays a central role. At the virtual meeting “Impact Measurement and Impact Management” (IMM) of the Federal Initiative Impact Investing, already gave an outlook.
The regulation will create significantly more transparency in the financial sector – both in the consideration of sustainability risks in investment decisions and in adverse environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) impacts. An important prerequisite, also to promote impact-oriented investments!
We are leading the IMM initiative with   and we are excited to be an active part of an engaged community working to spread professional standards in impact measurement.

If you are interested, we would be happy to hear from you! Yours Juliane Boeselager ( Fritzsch (