Our objective is to make impact measurable. We see impact measurement as enabler towards a stronger impact orientation and promoter of sustainability development. Impact Messung not only represents one of the core characteristics of impact investing [JB1] , but also serves as a starting point for impact management . In this context, our Agents for Impact Sustainability Alignment Rating (AFISAR © ) Tool [JB2] assesses the alignment of a company’s sustainability performance – both at institutional and portfolio level – to the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs [JB3]   ). Currently, we are assessing microfinance and MSME finance institutions in India, Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, with further regional coverage being developed.

We are a strong advocate of impact investing and committed to the SDGs. In order to further strengthen the German Impact Investing ecosystem and promote impact orientation, in July 2020 we joined the Bundesinitiative Impact Investing as a member and are co-leading its initiative “Impact Measurement & Management” (together with PHINEO). To obtain further details about our activities in impact measurement / management, kindly contact our Director Sustainability Rating, Juliane Boeselager (contact: juliane.boeselager@agentsforimpact.com ).