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Should the content or design of the web pages of www.agents-for-impact.com or www.agents-for-impact.de nevertheless violate the rights of third parties or statutory provisions or if other legal concerns exist, we would kindly ask to be notified, without charge, whether formally or informally, or even by phone. We would then delete any unlawful content and remove any other legal defects without undue delay. Cease-and-desist letters from lawyers that are sent without any such advance notification do not correspond with our actual or presumed intention (see section 8 (4) of the German Act Against Unfair Competition (Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb, “UWG”)).


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a. In its judgment dated 12 May 1998 (case no: 312 O 85/98 – Haftung für Hyperlinks (liability for hyperlinks)), the Hamburg Regional Court ruled that, by using hyperlinks (= direct or indirect links to third-party websites), the operator of a website may also be liable for the content of the linked external website. According to this ruling, this can only be prevented by the operator of the website expressly disassociating itself from the content of the linked external website. We hereby expressly disassociate ourselves from any external websites to which we may have set links. We hereby expressly disclaim any liability for any such linked external websites. It is solely the operator of a linked external website or the author of any such content who will be liable for any damage resulting from the use or non-use of the information provided on such external websites. We do not assume any liability in this regard.

b. In its decision dated 30 June 1997 (case no. 260 DS 857/96), the Berlin-Tiergarten District Court ruled that no criminal liability exists if the external website to which the link setter or the accused refers was legitimate at the time of setting the hyperlink and was only later, without the knowledge of the link setter or the accused, modified in a way that is relevant under criminal law. According to this decision, the link setter or the accused is under no obligation to continuously check the external websites to which he or she makes reference via hyperlinks. However, the moment we become aware of any breaches of the law on external websites to which we make reference via hyperlinks, we will remove any such hyperlinks from our website without undue delay. We hereby expressly state that no illegal content was apparent to us on the linked websites at the time the relevant links were set. We have no control over the current or future design, content or authorship of any linked external websites. We therefore expressly disassociate ourselves from any and all content of the linked external websites that were modified after setting the link.

c. The above statements apply to any and all hyperlinks and references set as part of our present web pages on the sites www.agents-for-impact.com and www.agents-for-impact.de as well as any third-party entries in the guest books, discussion forums, link lists, mailing lists and all other forms of databases via which external websites can be accessed.


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b. All brands and trademarks mentioned on the various pages of the websites www.agents-for-impact.com and www.agents-for-impact.de, which may be protected by third-party proprietary rights are, in their entirety, subject to the provisions of the relevant effective copyright and trade mark laws and the possessive rights of their registered owners. The mere mention of any such brands or trademarks alone does not suggest that these are not protected by third-party proprietary rights.


The use of any contact data published on the pages of www.agents-for-impact.com or www.agents-for-impact.de, in particular as part of the legally required website credits, such as name, postal address, telephone and/or fax numbers or e-mail addresses, by third parties for the transmission of unsolicited information material is hereby expressly prohibited. We expressly reserve the right to take legal steps (also under criminal law) against the senders of so-called spam mail whenever this prohibition is breached.


The German Financial Institutions Remuneration Regulation (Institutsvergütungsverordnung, “InstitutsVergV”), as amended on 16 December 2013, contains supervisory minimum requirements for the remuneration systems of financial services companies.

Pursuant to section 25a (1) no. 6 of the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz, “KWG”) in conjunction with the InstitutsVergV, Agents for Impact GmbH & Co.KG is required to maintain an appropriate remuneration system. For this purpose, Agents for Impact GmbH & Co.KG is required to publish the information specified in section 16 (2) InstitutsVergV.
In the absence of the requirements of section 17 InstitutsVergV, Agents for Impact GmbH & Co.KG is not deemed to be a material institution (bedeutendes Institut). Accordingly, the special requirements of the third part of the InstitutsVergV do not apply.


The gross annual fixed salary of staff is divided into 12 monthly salaries. Depending on the business results as well as individual performance parameters, variable remuneration components may also be paid.

The remuneration is supplemented by the social security contributions that are customary in the industry as well as the use of a company car by the company management.


In addition to the base salary, staff may also, albeit to a lesser degree, receive variable remuneration under a target-oriented remuneration system.

The base salary is in line with the market and depends on the actual function carried out. Its purpose is to retain staff for the long term.

The remuneration system is designed in such a way as to avoid any significant dependence on variable remuneration components and the resulting incentives to take on disproportionately high risks.

Against this background, the share of variable remuneration is always limited to 20 percent of a staff member’s total remuneration (for members of the company management, this percentage is 50 percent). Under certain circumstances, a reduction of the variable remuneration component to zero is also possible.

Staff’s variable remuneration components are paid on an annual basis upon expiry of the business year as a one-off payment.
External advisers are remunerated, in part, on a progressive percentage scale, depending on the value of the assets under management, and in part on agreed time-based rates.


With regard to the total amount of remuneration paid in the form of wages and salaries, we refer the reader to the mandatory announcement in the German Federal Gazette (www.bundesanzeiger.de).


Agents for Impact GmbH & Co.KG is not a compulsory member of the compensation scheme operated by securities trading houses.


This document is for illustration purposes only. Past performance does not guarantee future returns. Agents for Impact GmbH & Co. KG does not guarantee the accuracy of market forecasts. The information in this document is based on carefully selected sources Agents for Impact GmbH & Co. KG believe to be reliable. However, this document makes no representation as to the correctness, completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein. The views serve to explain the investment process and are not intended as an investment recommendation. Depending on the individual investment objectives and financial situation, the investment opportunities discussed in these documents may not be suitable for certain investors. These documents also do not constitute an offer to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer.